
the desk

I read, write letters, journal, draw, dream, paint, photograph and pour over thoughts while sitting at my desk.  After a long and hard day, I sit and my desk and think and write and read and remember (okay and sometimes I get really nostalgic). My desk where I create and dream; it is an fountain of inspiration.  I flip through pages and scratch pencil strokes on to paper over it. I bead and thread needles and whisper to myself and I re-write and re-write again on it.

My realization: A desk is simple little thing, but it's complexity lies in what happens over it; desks have indulged in carrying out secrets and have provided a place of ease for centuries.

Do you have a special desk where you read and write?

xo, Acacia


  1. Anonymous18.12.12

    Beautiful photos!
    Yes, desks are the best places for creativity. I have a little caddy where I keep all my letters and things-I-must-do, plus my travel journal and collection of pens.

  2. This is beautiful. I love your photos.
    I agree that desks are the best place for creativity, mine however, is in disarray at the moment and does not have a vacant place for even a hand and a piece of paper.
    I read and write wherever is available. But usually, I try to find a comfortable chair or a window seat.

    Lovely post, m'dear!

    ---->> Kate

  3. Anonymous18.12.12

    lovely pictures, I love your desk! :) I have a desk like that too, thought sometimes I'm siting in bed when I get creative! :)

  4. This is wonderful :) Beautiful words and photos x
    Kimmy x

  5. mm, i love this, acacia -- an artist's work area is indeed precious. also, that sketch is lovely. xo

  6. Beautiful and true words, m'dear. I'll bet there are thousands of stories to be told about artists' and writers' desks. I haven't always worked at a desk, but my dad built me a studio in our basement with a high desk and colorful walls, and jars of creative supplies. When I'm in an introverted mood (which is honestly more often than not) I love to go down there and scrawl out my thoughts or write long letters. And often times, no one even knows I'm there. :) haha! I sound like a recluse… I'm really not, I promise. ;)

    Beautiful photos! I love number 7.


  7. lovely desk you got there, acacia! love the photos, too! xx


  8. Uhm, you are kindofjustperfectineverysinglewaypossible Acacia.

  9. gorgeous photos! that book has an interesting title, any good? :)
    and i love that sketch ^_^

    1. Welll... I must admit, I haven't started the book yet! But I have heard it is VERY good - Katie from 'Bird and Willow', Carlotta and many others said it is. I hope to read it after I finish the novel I'm currently reading. :) Aw, and thanks! You're so sweet! I love receiving complements like yours on my photos and art work.

      xo, Acacia // capture life

  10. Yes, this is like my desk...except yours is probably neater than mine. (; Beautiful, nostalgic, inspiring photos.

  11. You can tell a lot about a person by what's laying out on their desk. :) These pictures are great, and the seventh picture down is fantastic!

  12. girly, how do you manage to write the most beautiful posts and take the most beautiful photographs?! well, I guess you're just plain talented, m'dear girl 'cause this is just lovely. ;)


  13. i will be thinking and rethinking the significance of my desk.
    thank you for this, dear. :)

  14. Anonymous20.12.12

    This is perfect. My desk is where I write my novel and sometimes blog and write in my journal. It's cool to think such a simple space is so vital to inspiration.

  15. Oh, I just love the feeling your pictures create; it's hard to describe but easy to see. =)
    I love it when you put some of your artwork up here, most people are kinda shy about what they draw! =)
    I like how you re-arranged the various objects on your desk, they are all good arrangments!


  16. Woooww! These are just beautiful! One of my favorite blog posts in a long time. :)
