I wish I could find the perfect words to encapsulate how I feel - tangled and torn between the past, present and future, wishing for sun on my back and the smell and feel of the ocean, for travel, for good, hard work - wishing for escape and that everything would miraculously fall into place.  It never does, it never will.  Progress takes time; once I learn to accept time and its simple, slow moments and am diligent in pursuing life in all its difficulties and goodness I will progress and move forward.

: inspired by last year's post  :

making : room for extra headspace - clearing and decluttering 
cooking : and planning tomorrow's lunch 
drinking : peppermint and ginger tea to warm my shivering body up 
reading : quiet by susan cain
wanting : escape, travel, summertime, opportunity 
playing : with the idea of moving to Hawaii... or San Fransisco.
deciding : whether or not my thoughts are worth sharing with the world.
wishing : summer would surface, alongside sweaty runs, bonfires, laughter, salt in my hair, sand in between toes.
enjoying : candle light and strangely cool and swift air creeping through my window
waiting : for a swim in clear, warm water
liking : organising, decluttering every part of my room 
wondering : what my Small Business Management course will be like 
loving : delivering beautiful photos to photography clients 
considering : treating myself to a new piece of beautiful jewellery 
watching : life roll past.  how swiftly life breathes, how fast her heartbeat. 
marvelling : at neatly-stacked books and spring's symphony (birds and fresh-mown grass and blossoms and a delicious heart ache) 
needing : an exotic escape.
smelling : tree-scented candles and cool, fresh air 
wearing : Gap bell-bottom jeans and a grey knit turtle neck sweater 
noticing : that I thrive spending time with (myself) & that I'm never in dire need of entertainment - books, tea, photos and tidying have my heart. 
thinking : that I should get up, take a shower, brush my teeth, stretch, exercise and get. into. bed.
sorting : photos, photos, photos
buying : a necklace - something pretty to spice up my outfits 
bookmarking : keaton's blog
disliking : wearing old sweaters and jeans and being in a perpetual state of shivering cold
giggling : at a two year old learning new words
feeling : like exercising, stretching, moving
hearing : the sound of the heater whirring
looking : at clothes which need to be folded and put away, my macbook air, fingers tapping, an empty tea cup.

What have you been up to? I'd love to know. :) xx


  1. beautiful - that list is so well written and unique. amazing photos, as usual :) <3

    1. Oh, Arushee - you're too kind! Thank you so much. :)

  2. I love this! Is that certain two year old your brother? :) Man I wish I could squish him! And you!
    Love from the states-

    1. Yes, certainly is my little brother! I wish I could squish him now, too (he is a bad cold and I don't want to catch anything). ;) Thanks for dropping by. xxx

  3. Ooh, this is such a fun post idea + and extremely well written! And peppermint tea is absolutely delicious!!!

    1. Aw, thanks Kianna! You are more than welcome to use it as a blog post idea -- as mentioned in my other post using the same format, I got the idea from Jodie @ Practicing Simplicity. :) Thanks so much for your sweet words and yesss peppermint tea is one of my all time FAVS. xxx

  4. I wish I could find the perfect words to encapsulate how I feel - tangled and torn between the past, present and future, wishing for sun on my back and the smell and feel of the ocean, for travel, for good, hard work - wishing for escape and that everything would miraculously fall into place.

    Your writing + photography takes my breath away, m'dear. you are such a lovely soul. xx

    1. Oh Grace *your* writing takes my breath away (like really *really* really it does). Thank you for the kind and generous compliment! xx

  5. Anonymous4.9.15

    Girl, this is BEAUTIFUL!! Keep sharing your thoughts with the world... they're absolutely worth sharing. :)

    1. Honestly, Stephanie, your comment made my day so much better. Thank you *so* much for your thoughtful words -- it's nice to know my thoughts are worth sharing. :) :) xx

    2. Acacia, this is so beautiful -- we love it ! You write so evocatively & we get to know you more . I am just so sorry that i have taken so long to reply . You are such a sensitive photographer & an honest & lovely person . We love you. G& P xx
