to be alive.

linking up [f a l l  a c t i v i t y  ::  t a k i n g  p i c t u r e s  o f  l e a v e s]

to laugh and cry.
to dance and sigh.
to run and jump.
to think and reason.
to watch and listen.
to be alive.
 I walked through a small path that continued on through the countryside like a silk ribbon, I watched the sun slip through leaves, splash joy on my blonde hair.  I listened to the crisp crunch of leaves underfoot.  I felt a chill run through me when I realized how blessed I am just to be alive.  To be able to solve a math problem.  And to run through woods.  And to laugh hard.  And to be thankful.  Oh, I yearn to be fully alive... to not just barely survive being alive, but to be fully aware of our surroundings and how God has blessed us.



  1. I join in your wish, to really live, and I believe you are correct, gratitude is an essential key to living.

  2. It is indeed, dear Amanda! Have you read One Thousand Gifts by Anne Voskamp? It is a life-changing book about giving thanks to God. ( +

  3. amen, darling, amen :))
    -jocee <3

  4. wow, i love your signature. so pretty... elegant♥

  5. Anonymous26.10.11

    Acacia, in case I have never told you, all your posts-each and every one- make me feel...grateful. You are such a blessing to me! Thank you.
    Love from a sister in Christ,
    ps. yes, I'm waiting for my mom to finish up One Thousand Gifts. I truly can't wait to get my hands on it! She's such a gifted writer, full of deep thought and joy, that comes from within- that it takes a little bit to read! {I've read the first chapter. :) }

  6. Anonymous26.10.11

    Acacia, for whatever reason, I can not find your email address! I'm getting pretty desperate! Could you please let me know?
    ps...just found out you lived in awesome! :)

  7. Really love the first picture! So pretty :)

  8. these pictures are gorgeous! thanks for sharing (:

  9. These are just stunning! Love the color and lighting!

    Tamar - also joining Kate's challenge!

  10. by the way: i like you too. that is all. also, can you guest post for me friday? if you can, send me a comment with your email on my blog {i won't publish the comment} :))
    -jocee <3

  11. These are beautiful. I love all the color in the first picture!
