
we are searching for light

1. spin, search, be.
2. the ocean waves - God's splendour displayed
3. seeking (plus pink boots and 2 cuties)

we are constantly trying to satisfy a need.  we buy more clothes, read more Facebook posts, watch more youtube videos, chase after the sun, flick through instagram posts, look at ourselves in the mirror, judge others (judge ourselves), go to bed too late, put things off, forget to pray, act lazy as if it was the only thing we're good at, stop reading our Bible, complain about almost everything   sure, we're not perfect, but we could be so much better.   so, so much better. 

ultimately, life is meaningless (Ecclesiastes) but that doesn't mean we can't pull ourselves together, get a grip of our lives, be purposeful, share Christ with others, put together timetables and search for love.  BE love.  dwell in His love.  write a to-do (and a not-to-do list) and place a mark in the world, taking slow, intentional steps.  join a new club, attend your church youth group, encourage others, begin a blog, write a post.  cry.  just cry.  the best is yet to come -- open up your heart to Him and surrender your all; ask Him to direct your days, your life, your heart. 

His purpose isn't always our will or way.  trust and follow - He alone is the authentic source of light, of beauty, of contentment, of spiritual fulness, of life.  the best is yet to come.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart...and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

...some late night rambles+thoughts.


  1. Beautiful words of truth, my friend. Funny how easy it is to slip into passivity and apathy. YAY for Jesus, though.

    Got your message and will respond soon! I'm dying to catch up.


  2. These is beautiful, Acacia. Thank-you for writing this for it really encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. :)

  3. Melissa6.7.14

    this really resonates with me; such a great reminder. thank you for sharing!

  4. this is so light and beautiful!

  5. this is on my heart too at the moment. thank you for putting thoughts into words and sharing this. Really encouraging. :)

  6. it really touches my heart, this is really what keeps me going, in your words >>> the best is yet to come
    in mine, it's the possibilities of what might happen tomorrow, the next minute =)
    your post made my day <3

  7. These shots are gorgeous. And I love what you wrote - you speak the truth! xx

  8. Wow, this really hit home for me! I was just writing in my journal about how quick and sometimes really meaningless life sometimes seems to be. But you're right, we can all do so much better...and day by day, those who try to make it better by focusing on God's love for us will ultimately make it count here. Glad you commented on my blog and now I get to explore your wonderful blog!

  9. Acacia, these photos are beautiful and this post really resonated with me. I think for me a big challenge is being intentional about life. I get older every day and yet I do nothing - it's far too easy to let time slip by without making the effort to DO rather than just to exist. To grow in my relationship with God, to develop the talents I know I have and have been letting fester, to be intentional in my relationships with people. "He alone is the authentic source of light, of beauty, of contentment, of spiritual fulness, of life. the best is yet to come." Amen and amen.
