
A STUDY OF COLOUR, green (with a hint of blue)

previous studies 

A colour reflects an emotion or an idea.  Sometimes it reflects a personality, or even a person.  Green reminds me of summer by the stream at Grannie and Papa's cottage.  Pushing through grass.  The stream trickling.  Mowing the lawn, dry sun on my back.   Green resonates as wholesome and fresh and life.  

What colour do you like most?


PS some exciting news -- I re-named my blog!  After googling 'capture life', I realised there are way too many blogs called 'capture life', so I decided to stick with something a little more unique, original, and me -- my first + middle name.  Do you like the new design?  


  1. I adore the new design! So simple + with just the right splash of color. I also love these pictures..so lovely.

    My favorite three colors are navy blue + peach + bright yellow, which reflect my personality perfectly. Classy, a little girly, and bright.

    1. Thank you, Abbey! I really appreciate your kind words. I must admit, navy blue, peach, and bright yellow is SUCH a lovely mix. :) xx

  2. I like the new design a lot! And this study. I just love all of your posts and photos so much.

    1. Thanks, Emily! I'm so glad you like my new design. I really appreciate that you enjoy reading my posts; I just love your comments so much -- thanks for sticking around. :) xx

  3. i love these posts. and that last photo is absolutely lovely!
    and i love the new name + design.

    1. Acacia9.6.14

      ahh thanks so much marcia! thrilled you like the new name + design. :) x
      ps curious to know how my name is pronounced? it's ahh-cass-ee-uhh. ;)

  4. lovely photos. i really love this colour study series

    1. thank you, niken! I'm so glad you love this series. :) stay tuned for more! xx

  5. I love that your blog is your name now, mostly because I love your name. so pretty and unique. and I lovelovelove your color studies. it's really such a brilliant idea, and the way you see the world is lovely to see in your photos. keep it up, my friend!

    1. I was worried that naming my blog after 'me' would be rather cliché (so many ppl are doing it??) aaand that readers wouldn't even bother to pronounce my name correctly -- so glad you like it and that it sounds 'pretty + unique'; the same goes for you! thank you also for encouraging in my colour studies -- support from readers means the world to me, so I'll keep it up so long as I have wonderful people like you supporting me! :) xx

  6. That photo of the window and vines is goooorgeous. Not to mention your watercolors are just lovely. Also, the new blog design and name: LOVE. Okay, I'll stop now. ;)

    1. Oh, no --don't stop. ;) In other words, you're the sweetest and thanks for appreciating my work! xx

  7. LOVE the new name...new design...everything. Your blog is so clean and fresh and just breathes simplicity and beauty. so so good.



    1. Oh, Madi, thank you! Your comments are just as much a beautiful joy to read. :) x

  8. Beautiful pictures. I am so glad to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to know that you have lived in four countries. Well I am from Mumbai, India and as I was browsing your profile I came across the blogger whose blog post you follow. I got to know you through your friends blog post and hence I take this opportunity to share with you a program our church in Mumbai has for the young people as well as adults from the West. We encourage them to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai amongst poorest of poor to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them new life, future and purpose. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 35yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love to Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We would love to have you come to MUMBAI on a short / long term missions trip to work with us during summer/ Christmas vacation. My email id is : dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon

    1. Acacia14.6.14

      Hi Diwakar! Thank you for your comment; I'm glad to hear your interested in my blog. :) As much as would I love the opportunity to do missions overseas, I prefer to have some prior connection to where I'm travelling and whom I'm visiting (for safety, mainly). Thank you for your offer, however, and I wish you all the best as you bring youth to serve Christ in Mumbai.

  9. That first picture. It makes me feel like I'm in your home, celebrating life around the table with your family. That's a nice feeling.


    1. The fact that it makes you feel like that is a nice feeling. <3 I'd love you to stop by for an afternoon tea -- come soon? :) xx

  10. What stunning pictures! But the first one would have to be my favorite - it looks so inviting, hospitality and parties is what I love to do! I also thought your hand-painted cards with all the little pictures are lovely too!

    Thank you so very much for your visit and kind comment!!

    1. Thank you, Amber! I was so blessed by your comment; thank for stopping by. :)

  11. Wow! These pictures are beautiful!
    Thank you for all the help, by the way! It means a lot!!
    xo, Erin(:

    1. Aw, thanks, Erin! I'm thrilled I was able to be of help to you. (: xx
